9 tips for your college visits

9 tips for your college visits

Though not essential, college visits are the very best way to get a feel for a campus. You can picture where you might study in the library, which patch of grass you may lay on during sunny days, what the hallways sound like in the department you foresee spending a...
8 reasons to get a summer job

8 reasons to get a summer job

When I was 15, I met Stephanie Dayton on the first day of my first summer job. We’d been hired as bus girls at Medicine Rock Café, a pretty spot outside of Winnipeg, Manitoba, that I thought was fancy almost exclusively because they served salad dressing with poppy...
An essay coach should teach you how to write

An essay coach should teach you how to write

You know when SNL has made a skit on the subject, it’s safe to say that people aren’t as angry anymore. I’ve been waiting for that gentler period to share my take on Varsity Blues and essay coaches, since what I have to say won’t be popular...
How to write the perfect D.O. personal statement

How to write the perfect D.O. personal statement

Before we talk about how to write your D.O. personal statement, I first need to applaud you for your decision to go the D.O. route. My husband William, a radiologist, has practiced at our local hospital in Somerset, Ky., for the past 20 years. When the hospital was...